What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Monday, September 2, 2024

A long walk

 Last day of vacation... Misty needed out BAD.  Swiftly got myself together, and we're off!

Time: 713 AM

I decided to get pics of the different flowers along the way, to look up names later.  Much harder than it looks.

The orange guys are Jewelweed

Canada Goldenrod

Purple Loosestrife

Wild grapes- actually tasted good

Black eyed susan

Fleabane- just not awake yet

I was surprised that whoever used the main soccer pitch last night left a bunch of trash on it

Queen Anne's Lace

Two groups of discers starting early

I believe this is smooth ironweed

Pink clover

Despite the discers, we saw 2 deer

Can't have plants without Big Guy

That big mean chihuahua that Misty keeps getting into it with

Misty was dragging me so bad, I decided I'd try and wear her out by going through the addition.  Having not been through here for a while, this was all new.  Didn't know Hubert Runkle, but they made a nice memorial for him.

Signage and share library are new, too

I figured at least it would be a nice, peaceful trip- but, just as we got to the St Joe Center entrance, we had to wait for a hundred (possibly an exaggeration, lol) HS runners from Dwenger to go past...

Since somebody crashes through this section of gate every winter, I guess they decided this was the most efficient repair.

Fields of Chicory

A lap around Walgreens

Not good...

About 4 miles and a smidge, or 9800 or so steps.  Did I wear the doggie out?  By the time we hit Walgreens, we were both getting tuckered.  She just recovers faster.


  1. That's a REALLY long walk! Time for a rest. 😪Lovely flowers. 🌻 Is that last photo a connection box? Uh oh! 😲

    1. One leg was done at 3 miles... doggie slowed down then, but when we saw another doggie across the street, she was right back to tip top.

  2. A long and invigorating walk that when you get home you just want to flop onto the couch and do nothing

  3. You and Misty always have interesting adventures. Your wildflower flowers are so amazing. I never knew what they were called! You caught a cardinal! My favorite song bird.

    1. He was hard to miss- cheeping at us for several yards before he graced us with his presence...
