What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Monday, November 11, 2024


 For various reasons, all I have is a Wednesday night and a Friday morning.  I'll tell a few lies to keep it interesting...

Wednesday after work, pretty evening, but not much time to get a walk in with being back to Standard Time

Misty gets her drink...

...this is the amount of muck we have to cross for her to get it

Early evening traffic

At least we got his eyes

When we got home: The Lord looks down on us, seemingly

And frosty Friday Morning

er, BRIGHT and frosty

Misty scoping the early morning discers.

"I think I see the river..."

Stupid camera, focus!


NOW you focus!

Well, we have entered the less-colorful part of Fall... sigh

This is unusual...

...so is this: Are we training for nude jogging?

"Please!  Not in MY woods!"


  1. Out of focus photos are annoying and sometimes I feel that the camera does that just to annoy us. Why would anyone want to run naked, that bit made me think of naked and afraid, not a show I would ever watch, just saying

  2. Yes, it's the brown and dingy phase of fall. My camera doesn't always focus either. Such a pain!
