What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Better Part, Week #43


This week's FB posts:

The Better Part, Day #212:
Think about this: Ever since (at least) the pandemic, every direction has been demanding this right and that right. Our example is Christ, and He claimed to be meek. What is meekness? Meekness is Abraham, the elder, the more powerful. who had enough manpower to take out a guy who just whupped 5 kings- allowing Lot to take the best part to avoid a fight, and trusting God to provide for him. Do the math and apply.
The Better Part, Day #213:
Satan isn't hiding in every crack and crevice, but sometimes we do a good job of making him crevices he wants to be in. Today, I reflected on a dry patch of praying I've been having... and thought about how I had noticed two prayer leaders from church made statements that made me wonder if they were, too. As a church, we are a team, and if one is under attack, you can bet the rest are, too! 
So I did what I'm going to recommend- I prayed for the next guy over, the one who's maybe struggling in prayer, passes it off as 'being busy', and hasn't even noticed his prayer time is suffering. If we ALL did this, we could get everyone out of their dry spots, and seal up another crevice!
The Better Part, Day #214:
Today, I caught John McArthur discussing "The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God". He brought up 2 points that go well together; first, that a sword is both a defensive and offensive weapon, and two, to use it defensively, you can't just stop with "word" meaning "the Bible". You have to know the Bible well enough to know which verse is needed to remember to fend off which attack! That means, to make that sword sharp, you can't just read the Bible. You have to LEARN it.