What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Friday, December 10, 2021

M10 show, week two

 So here we are, feeling our way through how I'm going to do a weekly M10 post.  I don't wanna be feature-heavy, but I don't wanna be "generic list", either... and I don't want to not be fun.  So with the quick announcement that there were NO debuts this week, I turn things over to our Big Buddy...

Elvis: So I get to let y'all know what's happening in the world of music mainstream, and the UK and Billboard charts have a couple of former M10s still floatin' around.  Elton John and Dua Lipa's Cold Heart is still #11 on Billboard and 15 in the UK- 'course, that's the remix and not the acoustic version we featured.  And, still hangin' around is Maneskin's Beggin', which peaked on the M10 back in July, droppin' from 16 to 21 on Billboard.  An, we learned, it is currently #1 on "alternative airplay" for a 10th straight week!


Mind you, now, that's not exactly like hittin' #1 back in the olden days.  In fact, that girl Adele's new lp, called 30, is only the sixth lp since 2018 to get a million US sales! A li'l context here- I had ten lps over 1.3 million my own self!

Alright, let's not get too big headed, here.  Let me get in some of this week's ten- and then you can finish off what you found.

10- Damien Jurado's Take Your Time, dropping 7 to 10 in week #6.

9- Again, after dropping back to 10 last week, the Pom Poms and Stoned And Lonely.

8- Still hanging in there, a 2-spot drop to #8, Tom Jones' 1971 masterpiece Till.

Elvis: Hey, now Billboard has let out some o' their best of the year stuff- course when you figure they're cutoff to make their year-end magazines is in October- anyway, Maneskin took a bunch of awards.  They had the top new rock artist (#5 was another friend o' ours, Beach Bunny); they were also 9 on top rock artist an' 6th on top hard rock artist.

Also gettin' noted in the story (which we got from a site called Livewire since this outfit's to cheap to subscribe ta anything), on the rock airplay acts, Weezer got #5 an' Royal Blood got a 10.  Finally, among their choices for best songs of the year (so far), they had Matthew Sweet's Blown Away, currently sittin' at our #9 fer the year.  Okay, that's all I got!

Meanwhile, back to the countdown...

7- Sweet and Everything (2021) up 1.

6- Our Lady Peace, Future Disease, up 3.

5- Sorry, no record:  Dami Im's Pray drops from #2 in week #8.

4- The Explorer's Club gets stuck with Hurts So Bad.


Elvis:  Hey, waitaminite!  Don' you think maybe we oughtta have somethin' else to throw in about here?

Actually, I do!  I thought, why not do something to pay tribute to the M10's past? So starting this week, we'll go back to the first year- 2015- this week, take the first song- #10, and move up a spot and a year every week!  And since we have no debut for which to put up a video, here's the video for the song that was M10 #10 in 2015 this week...





And now, the top three...

3- a song I can't stop from climbing, up 2, Geowulf and Open Me Up.

2- Up one, Beach House and Once Twice Melody.

And the #1 for a third straight week...


 Duran Duran and Tove Lo, Give It All Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. These are all new (ish) releases, right? I remember Geowulf - they were good. Duran Duran? I looked that one up; it has a disco-y vibe.

    1. All but the Tom Jones song this week. DD hasn't changed much over the years, other than the guest stars on this lp.
