What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Is it spring NOW?

 Here are some more snaps taken the last two days of grrrrrr-eat weather...

A little wind damage at ye olde disc course...

I t'ink it camed from there

And some erosion sharpening the bend on Stony Run...

They poured/sprayed some brown stuff on the back lot at the Plex.  Don't know what it is, but it made everything downwind smell like maple surple.

M & M Duck doing 'Nestflix and Chill'

"What're you doing here?  You never come here!"

Misty checks out the far side of the (soon to be) Green Hole.

Misty chooses a random trail we MUST go down...

And here's why- a new drinking spot on the river

Raccoon feet say she's not the first patron here...

Trust me, she was not so good at directions the way back up...

And we HAD to wade at the Duck Pond

Ducks actually at the Duck Pond

And Woody as well

Daddy needs to sit for a bit

Doggie, not so much.  At least she doesn't whine about it like Scrappy did.  But just ask her if she's ready to go...