What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Saturday, March 5, 2022

Is it Spring?

 Well, it's 'unofficial Spring' here, with temps to approach 70, and so here's our '1st unofficial Spring walk'...

First out were the Redwings... as soon as it got over 30.

Misty listening to a catbird's loud "meow"

Coming up on the Duck Pond

All over the place, squirrels are digging up their hidden acorns.  This one, oddly, got dug up and left.

Duck Pond overflow

Stills froze in some parts

I was just thinking, "Funny to call it the Duck Pond when we rarely see any ducks there," when these two flew around the corner...

...saw us, and chose the river instead.

Looks wet ahead; but luckily, the rule back here is "last to dry, last to thaw"

Hence, the Swamp is still frozen.

Always amazes me the sheer amount of people who ignore the "dead end" sign at far right...

Two of them within moments, both sporting handicap license plates.  Wondering if they were shooting for some event at the Red Cross about a mile back.

"Who cares? I'm thirsty!"

Solitary goose, for some reason standing guard over an empty Alumni Pond.

As we enter the Ravine Trail, I wonder how long it will take us to run across a disc golfer.  Answer, 4/10ths of a mile- all the way on the other side of the back road.  I was surprised.

Actually had one of the black squirrels pose.  Shocked me so much I turned the camera off first, instead of on.


  1. Thanks for the spring tour! Great shot of the black squirrel. They usually run away, so you were lucky. We're supposed to go up to 60 tomorrow, but back to winter after that. Still, the birds are chirping, which is a good sign that real spring can't be too far off. Have a good weekend!

    1. Winter gone? Don't ignore how sneaky it is. One April 5th when we lived in Iowa, there was a 2 day blizzard. When it started to melt, some daffodils were up.

    2. Debbie: No one has to tell me how hard it is to get the black squirrels to sit for a pic..or how stubborn my camera is on actually FOCUSING in the brief seconds they do!

      Susan: Hence the ' ' marks around it. Again, this is a dance I know well.

  2. I'm excited. I'm in Richmond for the next week to watch my son's dog. I packed a pair of shorts and, when I took my granddog to the Dog Park, it was warm enough on my arms that I thought it may be time to redeploy my sun block.

    1. I don't think we're quite ready for that here, meteorologically-wise. Have fun, though, with the granddog!

    2. Like I just told Juli, warm days are not out of the question here in March (although it's now jacket weather). Although, we can't rule out snow. Still, in southeast Virginia, that would be a little unusual.

    3. And of course, we're heading into the 20's tonight...

  3. Bloody great walk here it is too wet outside to go walking not that I can walk much now days

    1. After last night, it's a bit wet here as well!

  4. We've gotten into the 60's here, 40's and 50's all week. While snow isn't out of the question for us in April, we're at the point now where it doesn't last. Hubs and I went to the Depot today, bought the start of the bricks that we need to redo the flower beds along the driveway. The existing cinderblock will then be used to rebuild the rotten raised garden beds and the base for the new shed.

    What's the saying? If you build it, Spring will come? Yes, that's it. And if it's not, it should be. :)

    1. I was hoping more like, "If you walk it..."

    2. Having grown up in New England, we knew that warm days were not out of the question in March. Neither were blizzards in April. Summer's coming, though.
