What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Monday, March 21, 2022

Misty's first WALK to shoaff

 So the car had to go to the shop yet again this morning.  Not knowing how long it would be, I called off today.  Some time later (with the car back home), I decided it was time to take Misty to Shoaff Park.  Not her first time there- but her first time WALKING there.

Okay, this is the half-mile mark.  The last mark I'm sure of, Misty tends to yank my counts off...

At this point, she figures out we're not going our usual way.  This far she's been, but only like 3 times.

Big logjam at the bridge...

This was the one mile mark, by my count.  Google Maps says, "not bad..."

Lots of people enjoying the day...

Some little kid's hideaway.  Could tell by the little shoes- those little turquoise dots on the ground.

Misty enters Shoaff- this is the real mile-and-a-half.

First time down the steps...

...and, a drink.

This is where I had 1.5 miles.  It gets worse...

We take a break where I reckoned 2 miles.

That same tree hugger above, seeing no danger from us, pulled up a chair and watched us while we watched him.

Busy day

Time to go around the pond

The boat ramp.  This was closer to actual 2 miles.

Enjoying the breeze while the sounds of Jackie Blue waft across the river.

Almost pulled me in here...

My guess at 2 1/2 miles, up on the great circle.  Several yards later, I realized that my brain had stopped counting and started playing, I Am Woman, for some odd reason.

And here we are at the pond on the great circle.  This was just past the real 2 1/2 miles.

We disturbed all the doves getting some Afternoon Delight.

The shortcut trail was EXTREMELY goopy today.  Not sure how I came out with dry feet...

I thought this was 3 miles, right before the church.  It's actually a ways past the parking lot on the far side.

When we cross the entrance road, I decide it's time to cut across country.  Misty is not convinced...

Decided this would be fun for Misty to off-road into the ravine.

This drink- and the streambed she tried to get me to go down, below- is the actual 3 1/2 miles.  I think I actually was good on this one, somehow.

Here's our guess at 4 miles.  It was a ways up.

By this time, though, I forgot which half I was on, and called THIS 4 miles.  Guess what, this time I was just about right!

Misty's first 'ceremonial cutting the loop down the steep bank'. Once she figured out we were going that way, she did fine.  Me? Flat on my back. Hard.

I think I had this as 4 1/2.  It was more like 4 and a quarter.  We were getting tired at this point.

"Cut down the back of the complex? Sure!" (That Pine tree up ahead is actual 4 1/2 miles)

The Greenway Trail from above.

At this point, Misty figures out she knows where she is...

I thought this was some mile mark, but I have no idea which one it was.  What it was, was just under a tenth of a mile from the door.

Google said the whole trip was just a stone's throw from 5 miles.  2 Hours, with rest stops.


  1. Looked like a beautiful day for a walk. When I was dog-sitting my son's dog in Richmond, I loved walking through the woods with him (the dog, not my son).

  2. Oh how I miss long walks with my girl. In PT now for the knee, hopefully by the time the weather really turns I will be rehabbed or recovering from surgery.

    Either way it will be nice to be able to walk more than 1/4 mile again. You have a great trek there... be you can't wait until it greens up a bit.

    1. This morning, there's snow on the ground and light flurries...
