What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Monday, April 3, 2023

And some more pictures

 Because it's in the 60's, a touch of breeze and about 50% humidity- good walking conditions!

Traffic was rough!

Today, I thought we'd keep track of how many doggies we saw along the way!  Here's #s 1 and 2...

There's 3 and 4...

Barking at the window makes 5...

There's #6...

...and 7, and we haven't made a quarter-mile yet!

Wild onion-ettes everywhere!  Not bad, a splash of sweet at first bite...

Here comes #8...

Woods is not so sloppy today, better for two feet...

Greening up...

Misty being ever-so-helpful as I cross Psycho-bridge...

Dutchman's Britches coming along...

...and the little white guys...

Of course, a bunch of discers.  I counted around a dozen.  No, I'm not taking pictures of THEM.

Stony Run back to normal

Hi, Woody!

Saw a 'Skrat in the pond- "Merrily merrily life is but a.. oops!  Guests!  Submerge!"

Misty never saw him, but she sure smelled him...

Let's take a break, doggie.

What a difference two days made for the river

First turtle sighting at the Swamp

9th and last on the way home