What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Sunday, May 26, 2024

Pictures before the Apocalypse

 Wait, what?  We have right now a line of storms incoming...

...Which you might have guessed had you been following Indy 500 coverage!  The race will now start in just about an hour and a half (supposed to have started about 3 1/3 hrs ago) after Indy got hit with the long sloping line first.  Before it hits, let's take walks the last day or so.  Saturday...

Duded up if not awake...

Into the green

The Plex is closed for the Memorial Day observance... we saw not a soul till the river, almost

Someone big missing a feather?

Looking back, we might not be using our woods cut-through any more

Somebody is not happy- her water holes are dry

Upriver from the landing, due to fishermen

"Anything biting?" "Yeah we jus' got heah..."

Misty was sniffing out something when a frog jumped in front and scared her lol

This morning....

Didn't see the robins photobombing there...

Sure didn't look like storms then...

Killdeer breakfast

That's new...

First wild strawberries!  Not sweet, but crunchy...

Back to moments ago, as Misty says, "Thunder... is that thunder?  I don't have to poop no more..."


  1. Photos to make one happy this Monday morning

  2. We've been getting a bit of that storm. Nothing too strong. Just enough to keep me inside and...well, here I am!

  3. Stay tuned for the storm itself...
