What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Saturday, May 4, 2024


 I got some Tuesday and today for your enjoyment this time...

After several days of rain, bright blue days look pretty good!

Starting to look like summer

At this point, a hawk buzz bombed us, but was well away by the time I pulled my camera out of my... er, pocket..

Jacks are back!  Two big ones guard the 'Misty path' into the woods

Golf trail was veeerrry muddy

Misty trying to find the doggie she hears in the neighborhood beyond

Misty going back and forth...

...to get drinks on both sides of the bridge...

Tried to capture the zig-zag of wet feet, but no such luck

Jacks everywhere!  My favorite time...

Chewing us out as we approached...

...and still chewing us a dozen yards later

Arboreal ocean filling up

Little white guy travelling with us

Oh, look!  Misty found a dead baby turtle...

Several eggs from those that made it around that hole, heading for the Alumni pond

The 'Skrat, again (Lower right)

"Run"?  I'm too old for that!

Pretty warm out, facefull of water prolly felt good!

Goose field trip

Some manner of varmintage abides

Tried to get duck and baby jumping the log on left

And on to Saturday...

Flashing fire truck down the street...

Summer hat season

"Homey gotta cut his grass..."

I had seen and missed a robin hanging on a foxtail as if he were a Redwing, and another 'Skrat.  Misty, despite almost pulling me down the bank, fared little better

Well, at least this time you can SEE the hawk...

Check out these lovely tree blossoms whilst I, er, water the tree

Here comes an idiot driving down the walk-only trail

Made sure they saw me taking the pic so they knew they were an idiot

We were going to go up the south canal to check for varmints, but looks like a cricket game is about to break out

Uh-oh, doggie this way... oh, well

Goose coming for us and honking.  Like yer gonna run us off, dude...

Lot of moisture in the air over the river.  It's almost- dare I say it?- misty...

Fish baseball?

Killdeer must think we're too close to the nest

Turtle Family Robinson

Redwing getting a drink

"Can a goose get some sleep, here?"

IDK what varmintage she sensed here, but she literally jumped to get there

Jack congregation, one in the pulpit

"Thank you for visiting our woods, see you next time!"


  1. One damn good photo after another, I like the hat, I have never been a hat wearer

    1. Spring is a good time to wear this goofy hat!

  2. Felt like summer in Virginia Beach all last week. Then the bottom dropped out on Friday. Today? Back to tee shirt and shorts.

    1. Yeah, I think the nasty stuff is gone for the time being...

  3. Spiffy hat! ☺ I enjoyed your nature walk and the closeups of Misty. Lots of wildlife around to keep things interesting.

    1. "Spiffy" must be Canadian for "goofy", lol!
