What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Saturday, May 9, 2020

Vacation pictures day one

Yes, that's right, after only three weeks of work, I decided to take my birthday week off.  This was our walk from day one.

First, the perils of trying to get a pre-walk picture...

Then, off we go!

Above, they have the soccer fields specially mowed and nets arranged into a "football golf" course....

Just as I was about to snap this Jack, SOMEBODY stepped on it and I had to set it back up...

One thing this crazy weather season has done (we set a record low last night at 23F) is drastically cut the number of baby maples I've seen...

In a bed of purples and whites...

There were two pairs at the Alumni pond.  This one had five babies- the other pair in the water had one.

The river was way down- all that by the bank is mud flat and puddles- and the birds were having a mud bug smorgasbord...

Now, day 2 morning ( as I mentioned, cold- plus windy) I doubt whether such an excursion is in the cards.  However, we were not without excitement.  In a morning bathroom walk for Misty, she discovered a young robin, just out of the nest and not quite up on the flying gig.  She tried to apprehend it, I stopped her (somewhat) the baby started screaming, mom and dad showed up singing "Set To Attack" in robin-ese, and I finally convinced Misty she really didn't want the pecking she was about to get.  Good times.

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