What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Thursday, July 7, 2022

And now, back to the regular scheduled morning vacation walk


One of 2 bunnies that "greeted" us as we headed for the fields entrance

We have a leaner here on Groundhog Road

Another look at the bigger damage right at the hill

Mr Big Mouth Crow says hi

Taking a catnap in the tall grass- Misty, typically, never noticed

As we check out the rest of the woods, more erosion

Might be next...

...but Big Guy still ain't ready to drop this one on the trail.

Among the many "didn't think of"s the Disc Golf course designer didn't come through on... not cutting necessary trees, cutting one he shouldn't have- and not anchoring a bridge over a run-off stream. On the bright side, at least the flood moved it before the dead tree landed where it's supposed to be...

Not that Misty minds...

West side of the woods definitely got hit way harder than the east

And, so much for the new layer of stones. You might want to build some kind of curb here...

4th bunny of the day

The Arboreal Sea once again full

OOPS... Moments after this, 2 squirrels fighting charged down a nearby tree.  One ran into the trail, saw us, and still complaining went back up.

PFW running shuttle trips to gather debris to take to a nearby wood chipper.  Should we tell him about the OOPS?  Nah, he'll figure it out...

Just right of center, a little fish waited a bit too long to go over the no-longer-falling waterfall

Did I see this before?  Don't recall...

Bunny #5

And now, checking out the BIG job...

And now, for those that think this blog needs spiced up... bug sex!

And one last bunny