What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Tuesday, April 16, 2024


 Just Sunday and Monday this trip...

If you blow this one up, you'll see little white specks which were the little flowers blown of the tree passing at sub'light speeds in the wind

Hah, caught a white butterfly!

And another

We see a shadow go just overhead.  And then...

Hmm... it fell down the rest of the way...

"I'll drink anywhere..."

"...so long as Daddy doesn't mind crossing mud..."

Dutchman's Britches are out, yay!

Misty looking over the nascent Arboreal Ocean 

Brave discers in the wind

The purple and white violets are up

Oops, there went my hat

Duck in the back was climbing up, not falling off

We clambered down to get a better look at our little waterfall, some of us closer than others...

Soccerista season...

"Burf burf burf burf burf...."

Really warm out.  Maybe a little overdressed...

He was serenading us

Just in awe of God's colors

So they tried to cut it and failed...

Perhaps a more substantial chainsaw might be in order...

Blurry, but I got Woody

More serenading

Butterfly in flight!  10 points!


  1. Lovely nature walk! I especially enjoy the tree blossoms.

  2. We have had so much rain everything is flooded over. I took the girl downtown and all the freshwater springs are making small streams which is great until you try and side step it and lose a shoe in the mud. I take pictures of our walks often, just can't seem to get them from my phone to the tablet. Looks like you got some great time in with your girl!
