What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Sunday, April 21, 2024

Uggh! I'm not eating that!


In my continuing boredom on Sunday nights attempt to increase and diversify my content, I went searching for something funny.  And wouldn't you know, even though I totally fat-fingered the typing, I came across a list on allrecipes (dot) com of the nation's most hated foods.  I said, "Why not?"  (the story, not the foods).  I found myself mostly agreeing to the list.

15- Mayonnaise

Couldn't spell that either, lol!  While I do try to avoid it, I won't scrape it off a sandwich anymore.  Which I did as a kid.

14- Pickles

I have often though how there must be a way to feed starving countries with all the pickles I've wasted and seen wasted over the years.  If they put them on a sandwich by accident, I give 'em to Misty.  She gives me a "Why did you do that?" look, and I feel bad.

13- Coconut

This list will have to try real hard to find something I dislike as much as this stuff.  Perhaps only tea ( were it a 'food') would rank lower for me.  I would have died on Gilligan's Island.

12- Cilantro

I honestly don't know if I've even had this or not.  From the description I just read, sounds disgusting.

11- Mushrooms

Blasphemy!  I love mushrooms!  I do know someone that can't stand them because of the texture.  But, she roots for Brad Keselowski, too, so...

10- Olives

I like the occasional black olive on pizza, and can put up somewhat with the green.  Alone?  Tend to doubt it.

9- Fennel

Again, I couldn't pick fennel out of a Guy Fieri line-up.  But again, what I have read is not exactly complimentary.  Frankly, I'd take a small cilantro and fennel sandwich over anything with even half of a caraway seed in it, but that's me.  And don't hold me to it.

8- Brussels Sprouts

Now there's something that will top coconut on my hate list!  I tried- not even melty cheese could help them, and I survive olives with melty cheese.

7- Capers

Yet another member of the "I really can't say" club. From what I just read, it might make the "try once" list, but after that I don't know...

6- Okra

All I know about this vegetable is Tim Taylor's "Okrahoma" joke.  But the article's first descriptive was "slimy", so....

5- Blue Cheese

I love cheese.  Thank you, no.  All this ever did for me was ruin an already too-hot chicken wing.  Gimme Garlic Parm and ranch, instead.

4- Beets

I remember mom's pickled beets from childhood.  Right up there with creamed carrots in Mom's PTSD inducing dinners.

3- Oysters

This one grows the list of, "Thankfully, I haven't had that yet".  I have been tempted, though.  Maybe one day.

2- Black Licorice

The top two are both "You knew it hadda be on the list" items.  I don't have the strong reaction a lot of people do, but definitely on my "only if I've no options" list.

And #1....

1- Anchovies

This I have had- just once.  If you like a salt block with a slight fishy taste, this is for you.  How one little fish could turn 3 slices of pizza too salty to eat is beyond me.

No, what would be MY top ten?  A few have already been mentioned...

1- Tea.  I never saw anything that a half-cup of sugar wouldn't improve.  Until this.

2- Any kind of melon.  Put it on my tongue, I gag.

3- Caraway seed anything.  I made Caraway seed sweet bread for a home ec class back in the day.  Big mistake.

4- Brussels sprouts.  See #8 above.

5- Creamed carrots.  As I refused to eat this stuff, or even have it placed on the table anywhere near me, this rating is by smell alone.

6- Muskmelon.  I wasn't going to put this separate, but God, the smell! Dad would bring one home, and I'd throw it in his beer fridge in the garage.

7- Sushi.  This is my texture thing.  Cold fish, hard pass.  Put shrimp cocktail here as well.

8- Veal.  Not as bad as all that, but the only time I had it, my appendix screamed "take meout!" within a half hour.

9- Blue cheese.  See #5 above.

10- Anything pickled.  Beets (see #4 above), eggs, cow's tongue, you name it.


  1. I am and have always been a fuusy eater, on the first list I do like mayo, cocnut and black licorice didn't know for many years there was any other type and I do not like the second list at all

    1. Sounds like you and I have similar tastes. I just wish I would have remembered to put coconut on that second list.

  2. What a fun and relatable list of disliked foods! It's interesting how tastes can vary so widely. While some may cringe at the thought of certain foods like cilantro or mushrooms, others might find them delicious. And I'm with you on the sentiment about black licorice - definitely a last resort option! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on these culinary dislikes.

    Read my new post:

  3. Wow, the only thing on that list that I don't like is fennel. Too much like licorice for me (it tastes like licorice, doesn't it?). Interestingly enough, I LIKE black licorice.

    1. Well, aren't we the kid that ate all his vegetables, lol! Go get yerself some ice cream!

  4. No anchovies or oysters for me but everything else on the main list is good to go on my plate. My taste has expanded as I got older, sometimes out of necessity and others from curiosity. I had my first Brussel sprout last year!

    1. You poor thing... hope they didn't make you wash it down with tea....

  5. I also don't eat: 15 and 13 (allergies), 12 (tastes like soap - yuck!), 10, 7, 5, 3, 2 and 1. Never tried okra, far as I know. Mushrooms are a huge favourite, along with pickles and beets. Fennel is also a favourite, both raw and roasted. Brussel sprouts are tasty, if prepared properly. (European-style. The key is adding cream or milk to remove the bitterness.) Like you, I love cheese, but not that one! Don't like sushi, but shrimp cocktail is a favourite. Fun post! ☺

    1. Glad you liked the post... but I won't be trying the Euro method either. Once bitten took on a whole new meaning with BSs.
