What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Sunday, July 28, 2024

The weekend in pictures

 Only really two days on this set, as Friday was a work day.  Imagine, scheduling spent three weeks moving orders up to this past week, and still are surprised I have 9 more boat covers to cut!  Anyway, the only thing in the way of a picture I have was when Kc's lady Jessica, with all the grandkids, was stuck on I-69 after this happened...

I told her that this was the second NASCAR like thing we'd seen today... the other being a car on Coldwater with it's driver side front wheel most of the way off.  I'm just thankful she wasn't putting air in this thing when it popped.  My son (who was at work) apparently replied to her statement, "I don't know what happened", with, "You were driving."  She tends to have bad things drop into her lap while driving.  Thus my comment that the "DWO" on her licence plate stood for "Didn't Watch Out" also went unappreciated.

Oh wait, there was one OTHER picture... I had noted that by blind luck, I was drinking a Founders beer (called Backwoods Bastard), in my Founders t-shirt, in my Founders CBS glass....

...but Laurie told me I needed to smile, so I came out looking like a backwoods bastard...

Saturday was a typical "up just before dawn" day for me and Misty...

I see we missed another 'high weed cutting'....

A tad foggy

Uh-oh, setting up for an event...

Very peoplely today...

Yep, trying to set up the event in the thick of the fog...

Even a grill...

Meanwhile, a lower mist was rolling across the river...

Dawn at the ravine

In the woods, we heard what seemed to be a bird, but as I described the sound to Laurie, "You know how a hawk screeches? Well, let's say the hawk has bad laryngitis, and combine that with a little kid trying to whistle for the first time."  Misty finally spotted him first...

Our old friend, the owl...

A little odd fungus rounded out the trip...

And that brings us to this morning, somewhat later so we could send Laurie off to work...

Corner bunny was a bit upfield today...

Kitty keeping an eye on Misty...

Supposed to get storms later on...

"Tahme ta pick de cotton", lol

Two days of walking- nothing hanging out at the swamp, no squirrels, one bunny, and the owl....

Swallows were dive bombing everywhere at the river...

...but the river itself was not moving, and Misty said, "No, thanks."  Unlike Scrappy, she's particular (to an extent) about her water...

Several big brushpiles of, "Lets not leave the wildlife any cover here"...

And at the other end, the sentries...

At one end, staying his post, the Bluebird of Happiness...

And his not so brave Eastern Kingbird buddy...

STILL nothing in the woods- not even a squirrel!

Had been hearing him for a while- only spotted him when his buddy tried to land next to him and got told to shove off