What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Monday, July 1, 2024

Vacation Monday

 Just in case you think all I do on vacation is nap and take walks (both with my faithful doggie companion), I'll have you know I just did dishes, cleaned the stove and microwave, and took the trash out.  So there.

But we did take 2 walks today, so...

0645 AM...

...cool enough to wear my hoodie (We were supposed to hit a record low for the date of 50F, but only got to 55.4)

The corner bunny wouldn't stand still

The bridge bunny did

I thought this might be the last scrawny raspberries of the season...

...but I found a bush still going strong!

The swamp bunny

Misty says, too cool for the river

However, this afternoon, it was a different story at Shoaff Park

She was distracted by a departing bulldog

I was trying to show how neat the wavy algae in front of the water pipe was...

Frog Hunter Misty took two pounces at whatever this was

A lot of back trails we never took before...

...ending up where we started

Then- FOXES!

They came out to play in the sun... but #1 saw us right away and took off

#2 was too busy rolling in the warm grass

Just before he saw us...

"Oh, crap, an audience!" And off he went

Taking a break, watching golfers

"I had fun!"


  1. Pretty awesome walks! I was surprised to see how cool you were there. We were hot 🥵.

  2. Misty is pretty active! Is she beagle blend? We had a beagle and then a border collie. Great dogs.

    1. She's Heeler mix, though with what we don't know. I suspect coonhound.

  3. That's cold for this time of year! We were in the low to mid 60s. Getting warmer now.

    You have a lot of bunnies in your area. That may change, with foxes around.

    Misty is a lucky girl, to have a dad who enjoys walking her! 😃

    1. She's kinda grumbling today, b/c I'm not taking another second walk....

  4. Nothing wrong with taking walks and having a nap.
    In fact....zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
    NOTE: "Zs" are purely for comedic effect. I don't need no stinking "Zs" to hit the rack.

    1. Only problem is, my body still wants that nap when I'm working...

  5. Another lovely walk that I enjoyed while sitting at my computer desk with a heater going trying to keep m eyes open and brain in gear

    1. Thankfully, I don't have to have my brain in gear for walks...
