What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Friday, August 23, 2024

Pictures and M10


We are on vacation this week, so I'm going to let you know the ten while I show you pictures!

Monday:  "C'mon already!"

"That's better!"

This is Monday night BEFORE vacay, BTW.  About 5 PM, socceristas in full flower.


Before I get much farther, Here's the first new song on the M10, from a well known veteran act, Foster The People... at #10:

A quick drink

Still no froggies

"Ah, refreshing!"

First time in a while we saw a Monarch

Second debut at #9... from the Twisters movie, Jelly Roll:


More Butterfly:

And that wraps up Monday.

#8: Down 2 for Amira Elfecky's Remains Of Us...

#7: Up three for Shaboozey and A Bar Song (Tipsy)...

On to Wednesday...

This was kind of a nothing walk.  Socceristas weren't even out yet...

We hadn't took the north loop in a while.  Canal's really filling in again.  When we first moved in so long ago, it was wall-to-wall Lilac bushes- which smelled nice but brought bees bees bees.  Misty is mad b/c there's no access to the river for her this way, and "I didn't sign up for this!"

Misty's not looking foreward to the long climb up.  In the distance, a kid on a scooter said screw this and walked it up.

Catching our breath...

#6- Up one for LSD and Far Gone...

#5- Having failed to pierce the long white veil, The Heavy Heavy slide from 2 with Sleeping On Grassy Ground.

#4- 4's across the board for Orion Sun and Mary Jane....

Friday morning, 7 AM...

Light low-lying fog

Seem to be a lot of new, strategically-placed porta-pots out here.  Methinks an event is upcoming...

Big waves at south canal.  What varmint is causing them?

...a duck...

Fog on the river...

Misty was more interested in sniffing than sipping...

Moon over the Willow

#3 and holding for the Linda Lindas and All In My Head....

#2- Up 3 for Beabadoobee (Thankfully easier to spell than say) and Beaches....

At the south end of the woods, a doe pops up...

After that, nothing much happened- except that upon arriving at the north end of the Woods, Misty was sure something followed us.  Must have been a ghost...

Oh, and we got some new furniture, too!  Here's the new dining table...

Along with a disappointed doggie who thought the camera meant another walk...

And Laurie's new chair.

Several interesting (at least to me) stories about this:  Laurie and I both forgot what color we ordered.  Took me a while to remember it was gray.  It was 2 inches too long to fit the other way, as I envisioned- I figured on no more than 60 inches, literature on the demo said 60 without the leaves, actual was 62.  This was the direction Laurie envisioned, and it works fine.  The kids took the old table, a maintenance guy decided to adopt her old chair (broken underneath from too many Misty full speed jumps in her younger days, but he said he could fix it).  Also a new mattress and box for me and Misty, not pictured b/c no one wants to see MY room.  MUCH better on my shoulders and back, but it sits even higher than the old set, and with a soft edge rather than a hard one, I'm still mastering getting in and out of it!  Old ones were approved for the trash bin by the maintenance guy, and thank the Lord for that.

Tomorrow we're having a grand canoe expedition, so I'm sure sometime tomorrow you'll be seeing more pics.

Oh, and I forgot the #1....

...the Decemberists and Long White Veil, for a fourth week!!!!!


  1. Fun pics and good tunes! Jelly Roll has a commanding voice. ☺ Enjoy your vacation. 🍻
