What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Sunday, August 4, 2024

That was a walk?

 So after a week of lower back pain that kept me from trying to get out with the Misty Bug, we finally went out Sunday morning.   Mind you, it's like 7 AM, our bedroom always gets hot being upstairs so I'm sticky and stinky and Misty is panting and ready to go; we come down and Laurie announces she's under the weather and calling off work; get 90% ready and have to go back to the bathroom (Not mainly because I left my glasses up there)... needless to say, I'm not expecting much from this walk, and it's just what I get.

So we get outside and my camera is acting up.  Turns on, take a pic if yer quick, and get, "For use with compatible batteries" and it shuts off.  Mind you, this is a road I've walked before; in the winter, after a certain temperature drop, it would do this, and I assume it was because the temp changed the size/shape of the battery, and usually sticking a piece of cardboard in with the battery solved it.  However #1: This past winter, for whatever reason, it NEVER did this.  However #2:  This AIN'T winter.  It's 75F with 90% humidity (and my eyes tell me a fair amount of pollen), so I have no idea why it did this.  I tried every which way to solve the problem...

...including, as you see above, belting it a good one.  No help.  If I was going to take pictures, they would have to be fast ones.  So I'm mad, Misty's scared, and the trail is full of folks who like me are trying (and failing) to beat the worst of the 'muggy-meter'.  

Time to stick the stupid thing back in my pocket and talk to God.  Reminding myself I know from Job what trying to blame my attitude on anything but myself gets me.  I calm, we go on.

It wasn't a big loss; only scattered birds and humans who wanted to sweat anyway were out and about.

Both my shoes came untied during the jaunt; when I bent to tie the second one, I noticed I had two dead gnats stuck in the sweat on my shin.  That's how miserable it was.

At least the river had enough motion for Misty to get a decent drink; Lord knows the air sure didn't.

Misty was a bit miffed at me for turning right at Squirrel Corner and heading back, but there was no way I was going from open spaces and no air to the woods and, "Give us your oxygen, or we will suck your blood."  She was dragging enough herself to get over it.

She did get one treat, seeing her friend Oreo.  I didn't attempt a picture there, because a) by the time I got a good shot, I would have gotten, "For use with etc etc" and had to explain it to Oreo's dad, and b) Oreo's dad has one arm and I don't know if he'd be comfortable with a picture.

Apparently this outfit called the FW HopSpot Crew had a fundraiser at the Plex yesterday.  Car show/hip hop concert.  We were either hiding in the AC or gone most of yesterday, so I knew not a thing.

So one thing that yesterday involved, ended up getting me and Misty a new mattress and box for our bed.  Now this salesman knew how to hit all my personal escape buttons, and I was getting uncomfortable.  He first took me to a very very soft bed with gadgets to move it up and down.  I don't want gadgets, I don't want extreme soft.  He tried the comfort approach, tried the 'better for your health' approach.  Took a couple minutes to convince him that my bed was a twin, because "No one buys them anymore".  I was just about to climb out of my skin when Laurie got him distracted long enough for me to wander off on my own (the way I like it), find three beds that were sufficiently firm for me, with no gadgets.  I went back and took them to choice #1, saying, "This is what I'm talking about."

He says, "They don't make this in a twin. Because nobody buys them anymore."

I took him to second choice, saying, "This isn't quite so good, but I could deal with it."

He says, "I don't think we have this in a twin, because... oh, wait: yes, yes we do have it in a twin."

So we will be getting a new mattress and a lower profile box.  Misty won't be happy, because our current high profile lets her lay down with her chin on the window sill, but on the other hand, we'll both be grateful that it won't be as hard to get into the darn thing.  Maybe we'll get her a doggie pillow for her end; odds are she won't use it anyway.


  1. Great walk, I liked it.
    Why is when we go shopping for something like a bed, the sales people are either pretty much clued to you or not around at all. I don't like it when the hover around you, I feel like saying piss off till I need you

    1. THAT is how I like them- I'll ring when I'm ready.

  2. Muggy and hot.
    Can't wait until it's frosty.
    Until it is.
    Then? Counting down to summer.
    I apparently am never happy.

    1. At least you have various seasons you briefly look forward to. For me, winter can go jump.

  3. Doesn't sound like much of a peaceful refreshing walk more like why am I doing this , I should stayed home walk

  4. Oppressive humidity is no fun at all, but still better than freezing to death, IMO. We've had similar weather here, along with torrential downpours in between. I hope your new bed will be comfortable. I'm sure Misty will adjust.

    1. Today coming out of work, it was raining a bit and 2 ladies took a piece of fabric and tried to get it over their heads for an umbrella. I joked, "Doesn't seem to be worth the effort"- and when I shut my mouth, the cows stepped onto the flat rock (Martin-ese for, "It rained very hard").

  5. Like Debbie said, oppressive humidity is no fun at all.
