What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Saturday, August 10, 2024


 I have to say it's not an overwhelming lot this week, but it is time to crack a beer so perhaps coherent commentary will spice it up.  We start Wednesday night...

Cloudy, breezy, a bit warm

Misty chooses Groundhog Road

Gooseberries are massive this year

Wow, a new crop of wild strawberries!  A bit of taste, a lot of water

One of my best bee pics ever

"Wanna hunt froggies!"

Nice night for a dip

She's gotten into looking off this view

This was cool later on- the sky looked like an aerial view of a beach

Thursday night...

1900 (7PM) and still daytime

Corner Bunny ran around this corner, stopped when she saw us, Took off just as I hit the button.

Plenty of socceristas still

And I took off my shoes and joined Misty in the river!

Of course, she was ready to get out before me...

Cricket practice

"No froggies, just minnows"

Just then, froggie jumps from edge to middle of the slime patch

Friday night...

New road obstruction up by Big Guy

Mowing the grass by the river

Misty almost dragged me into the Swamp looking at something...

Seconds and a clearing later, I saw a raccoon slip into the woods here

Saturday AM, around 0630...

Sprinklers still going

Prepping for Killdeer soccer

It was a bit brisk- no river, thank you, says Misty

Ah, looks like the sun came up

Yep, thar she blows

Misty sensed something out this way, but we saw nada

We had an impromptu Happy Boofus day- after Misty got her monthly shot.  It's actually one year since she came home from the ER, if'n you can believe that!  She got another walk at the park, a cheeseburger and cup of ice cream at Culvers, and a new toy fish that purports to be a bass, but looks more like a mackerel.

Oh, and just in case you're interested, my daughter was celebrating her birthday early at a local country bar, and sent me pics of the old gang.  I sent her one back (actually Laurie did it for me) as I enjoyed a Three Floyds Munsterfest Marzen...


  1. A nice walk with some nice photos make a happy blogger

  2. Lovely nature pics and you look pretty chill in that last one. Cheers! ☺

    1. Yeah, the beer was a local Marzen, 6% so an easy night...

  3. Nice doggie walk! Happy birthday, happy daze...
