What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Saturday, July 22, 2023

This week's pics

 I can't say there's a lot of excitement here, but at least you won't have to read much!

Let's start last Sunday after church...

But, look at the humidity!  And, the wildfire smoke is bad today!

"I don't care!  I said walk!"

Grey and gritty

Mushrooms like it, but not much else

"Well, I don't like it!"

Can you say hazy?

Even the light through the trees- at 1130 AM- was bright orange

Misty wanted to chase a varmint scent- until she came to the log, lol

Let us move now to Thursday.  The weather alarm was going crazy- severe storm on the way!

Check this thing out!

They are called "False Parasols"

The #1 American mushroom for poisoning- I promise I won't eat

"Why can't I come out and take storm pictures?"

Fine.  But guess what?

"It's raining.  Yuk!"

So what did we get from this terrible, thrice-warned storm?

About 15 minutes of hard rain and a couple rumbles.

In all honesty, a lot of areas both north and east (It came at an angle) got roughed up.  An elderly couple were sitting on their porch next state over, and a tree fell on them.  She died a couple days later.

But here, it passed quick...

But not the humidity.  The lot was steaming!

Friday we took off at 630 AM....

A bit dewy, but okay

Taking care of all the bunnies early

First hint of varmintage, but no sightings

Almost impossible to catch goldfinches anymore.  They hide in the low brush and split before you see 'em.

No froggies today

The elusive Black Goose

Clouds had went to "foofy" by the time we got home. About an hour later, totally overcast.

Bringing us to this morning- 0740 AM start...

Bright and somewhat wet

Nobody told me it was "couples day" on the trail...

Or that the Bosnian socceristas were getting an early start.

No varmints; so Misty watched the guy putting signs out

Despite her best efforts, no froggies either

The Black Goose, again

I guess he really isn't all that black... but he does have a wild feather on his back

The above picture is a bit of "What's missing:" The giant flag we used to have had its pole snap at the beginning of the year (which I first heard about yesterday), landing on two dealer cars and one customer car. Ouch! Yesterday they took out the stump of the old pole.  Not clear yet when or if it gets replaced.
Compare this to the Sunday pic to see how orange the sun was with the wildfire smoke.

The only critter we saw- Misty and it were alarmed by all the noise the socceristas were making...

So with nothing really shaking, I thought I'd take some snaps of the addition we go through on the way home...

I dig that mini greenhouse

"Yard of the month?" Seriously?

These big grassy things, I don't care for... just looks "overgrown".

Flowers around it are cool, though

And here comes the lawn service.  They used to be Friday, but got off schedule somehow, and I guess Saturday is the new normal.

So I guess I better get one more shot of the False Parasols before they become chopped mushrooms.


  1. Great photos and have to say I do not like mushrooms at all, seeing ones such as you posted here makes me want to kick them over and jump on them, I do not know why I feel like this, I just do.

    1. I guess I better go out and get an "after the mowing" pic today, huh?
