What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Monday, June 10, 2024

A funny thing happened...

 And they kept on happening!  Let me start at the beginning.

This morning around 0540 AM I was headed for work.  I was on Coliseum (the east/west road) approaching the Goshen Road intersection (North/South, with me turning south).  About a 1/8th mile from the turn lane, there was a guy (I assume) in an SUV of some sort.  He was across a couple of the far lanes, angled away from me;  it looked like he was going to shoot across and go into one of the parking lots on the other side (this stretch, with turn lanes, medians, etc is I think 8 lanes total.)  I wasn't quite awake enough to realize at first he wasn't moving at all when I first saw him; after I'd covered about half the distance, he lurched forward, crossing all the lanes on my side, the median, and turning right onto the other lanes- directly into oncoming traffic.  He must have finally figured out he was making a boo-boo, and hung tight to the median (which was now a concrete barrier), cut in front of my turn lane, and with our light still red, proceeded right through the red light and the intersection.  Trust me, even at this point in the morning, this is NOT repeat NOT a light you wanna blow through.  Fortunately for Evel Kneivel, I think the light was just changing on the other direction (And when I say, "not a light to blow off", I mean, "Traffic on Goshen routinely runs the red at high speed to 'beat' the light"), and there was no "Earth shattering ka-boom" as they say in the comics.  Where he went from there, I don't know- but the absence of "Drunk driver" on the 5:30- 6 AM Police blotter tells me he made it... somewhere... in relative safety.

Second story, less extensive- more, scratch my head.  WOWO was giving the 4:30 PM weather forecast (conveniently given by TV meteorologist and taped around 4:30 AM as per usual).  Direct quote:  "We may we some occasional clouds pass through, but otherwise, it will be partly cloudy..."  So, does this mean that when it's partly cloudy, the clouds don't go anywhere?

Okay, that fun done, let's go with Misty and Daddy on an after work walk...

Another bright blue day

Misty decided we HAD to go up the hill... here's why

Once again, taking a long cut that gets us in the woods right behind Big Guy

Dark squirrel, white tail...

Going up river, as there is a fisher at the landing

"Ahhh... so much better..."

It's getting drier... might have a hard time with the frog hunting, baby

Raspberries!  Tiny, but delicious!

And this is where the third thing happened.  Misty smelled something, and went down the bank- and I think it was a fox she scared up!  It was too big for a bunny, too small for a deer, too fast for a groundhog, and all I saw was what looked to be a brushy tail with a white tip....


  1. That guy going the wrong way sure was lucky! Glad nobody got hurt.

    Misty has a good nose for critters, just like Zoey. ☺

    1. Well, no one got hurt till he got home, anyway...

  2. Some people drive like they have a death wish or they think it just won't happen to them, idiots.
    Nice photos of Misty and your walk

    1. I have a suspicion this guy likely won't be remembering the incident... but I hope he does.

  3. thecontemplativecat here Misty leads you along quite nicely. Raspberries! Do they grow wild?

    1. Yep, that's why they're tiny. Same as the strawberries, but the strawberries lost most of their taste. Gained crunch, though, lol!
