What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Saturday, June 29, 2024

FYI post part 2


No, not dead yet.  Here's the update.

I made it through three days of work... barely.  It seemed that the first three hours were the worst each day- pain on day one, breathing on day two, exhaustion day three- but after first break, I generally did better.  I never did set up an M10 chart ( two of those days, it was really in my ears), and have generally took it easy at night.  One day of weaning off sinus meds meant that my brain is finally back at peak performance (such as it is) today.

Never, though, was I as bad as Joe Biden at the debate.  Neither here nor there.

Our ownership has decreed a company wide shutdown next week, so I have plenty of time to rebuild my strength, and weather cooperating (which it is NOT today), we'll be back at our picture taking finest soon.


  1. Trying to work when one feels like shit isn't easy, my daughter Kathy-Lee is doing that dragging herself through each day feeling like shit and dealing with 2yr old's with behavioural issues.

    1. Alas, no 2 year old here, just a 6 year old that sometimes acts like 2... Misty.
