What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Sunday, June 2, 2024


 Well, I tried three times to forget to put these up, but finally I remembered, so, let's start with Tuesday...

Bright Blue Day

Ah, there's the yearly slime mold

First wild strawberries- lots of water, tiny taste

Speaking of water

Hmmm... maybe that weather IS coming in... (It went past us, BTW)

Somebody's dragging already

I like the way these neighbors did up their cut through

On to Saturday, 1st of June...

Up before the sun

Yeah, our back yards are all tore up, because the complex is making us all switch to "their" internet...

That time of year

IDK what Misty saw, but she pounced at it!

Raspberries starting to get color...

Shh, duck sleeping

Drinking at the "bar", lol

Need to add, "No Tank Tops" to the sign, I guess

And brand new, Sunday night...

Neighbors and doggies everywhere

Getting to the duck pond is a bit deep

No shore for Daddy

"I HATE crossing these stones!"

Doggie trying to catch froggies

Another river dip

Nylons... really?

Sunday cricket

"Hey, you two made it back!"

Like I said, doggies everywhere