What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The FYI post

 So I have been sick this week.  If I've missed posts, comments, etc, I apologize.  Here's the scoop.

Laurie was sick Thursday felt better Friday, but nosedived Sunday.  I was fine till Sunday afternoon, when Laurie presciently asked me how I felt.  At the time, just an increasingly scratchy throat.  By Monday morning, I had added her aches and congestion, and raised her with a chest that felt like an elephant had slept on it.

4:30- I called in to work sick.

6:00- Had to take doggie out.  Plus her meds, plus her bone.

7:30- Our smoke detector decided to have a meltdown, had to have maintenance come over and replace it.

9:30- The worst nosebleed of my life commences.

3:00- Woke up from nap shivering cold- a real trick when it's 80F out.

4:20- Talked to Boss.  "If you even think you're not going to be over it, just call in tomorrow." Word.

Tuesday was better, somewhat... although the weather radio going off at 7:30 for a severe thunderstorm watch felt eerily familiar.  Fever was about gone.  Aches were controllable.  No more nosebleed, though bending over to get Misty's bone almost set lose another liquid from another orifice.

Wednesday (AKA today) I made it to work, and when I got home, Laurie looked at me and I said, I yet live.   But I am not motivated to do any heavy lifting, so I will say right now that this week won't have an M10 post, as I'm not of a mind to do my top ten tonight (when I usually do it), and am just hoping to have enough gas in the tank tomorrow to at least get that done.

So have a nice week, I'll update as needed when I am back to what passes for normal.


  1. Good news! I haven't posted in weeks so you're not missing much. Bad news, I did just post, but it's an easy read and requires very little effort. Feel better. It's going around, Oldest has bronchitis and every one at work seems to be getting taken down by whatever it is.

  2. Sounds awful! Hope you get plenty of rest and feel even better soon.

  3. There is a lot of sickness going around here, my sister Sue has be laid up in bed really sick for the last week only managing to get up yesterday and do a few things before going back to bed.

    My sister Sandra was sick as with Covid and both Kathy's girls have been sick as well

  4. I hope you start to feel more like yourself soon, yes this comment is in two parts because I accidently hit publish while I was still typing.

  5. So sorry you had some rough times. Being sick becomes more intolerable the older I get. I should still be around 40, but that's not fact. thecontemplativecat here.

  6. Stay tuned all for another FYI post....
