What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Pictures and stuff

 First of all, a story I've kept off the blog (for fear of jinxing)....

My Oklahoma Softball girls won their fourth straight National Championship Thursday night!  I have followed the core group about 90% of the way, and it's seriously hard to celebrate and not think about it's over- not just that there will never be a team like this again, but I won't be cheering for THESE girls ever again!  I could bombard you with stats, but let me keep it to this one:  For the first time, we came into the finals #2- it was a rough year (if you can possibly call 56-7 rough)- and we beat #1 8-3 and 8-4 (The only runs they gave up the entire World Series bracket!) to win it all.  Best thing is, these girls give all the glory to Jesus, their Lord and Savior!

Now, on to pictures...

All I have this week is Saturday and Sunday, so Saturday...

Up before the dawn- someone thinks first light= walk time...

Way off, deer #1

Raspberries about a week away...

Misty Frog Hunter, part one

Ducks at the river...

Misty's not interested- a friend of hers passed this way maybe five minutes before

Deer #2

Misty trying new trails to get off the Ravine path

Next, I have to show you something I just noticed.  Misty's side-splotches are a map of the world!

This side, North and South America...

This side, Europe, Asia, and Africa...

See that boat cover?  I cut that!

Our BA portrait for the night...

And now, Sunday...

Had to wait for big barky dog to go by...

That's okay, beautiful day

Big Guy

This squirrel can't decide if he's black or gray...

"Come to the dark side, Luke..."

At the Alumni Pond, Misty dragged me to the water so she could catch this...

I only wish the first pic I tried to take had worked, when she was right on this monster!  Not surprisingly, I pulled her back...

Somebody left dead chairs at the container...

Round two of Misty, Frog Hunter

'Skrat swimming off with lunch


  1. Some amazing photos, deer, squirrels that weird looking minster thing, misty and you a good mix

  2. Congrats to your girls' softball team! I'm hoping the Edmonton Oilers won't let Canada down in the Stanley Cup finals, but it's not looking great so far.

    Misty gets you up before dawn? That would be brutal! So grateful that Zoey isn't a morning person. ☺

    Interesting pics! Is that your boat? Cool portrait of Daddy and his Doggo. ☺

    1. No, making the covers does not pay enough to afford something TO cover, lol! (My job is to run the machine that cuts the fabric for that cover.)
