What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Friday, June 7, 2024

M10 show week #122


Man, those Culver's butterburgers were the bomb!

"The bomb"?  You're saying, "the bomb"?  I didn't think that phrase was around when...

Ahem.  According ta Wiktionary, " As slang for something excellent, the phrase is attested since the 1960s; compare go down a bomb, UK theatre slang during the 1950s meaning “be a major success”.

You're using Wiktionary?   Those butterburgers must be brain food!

I do have a degree, boss...

You have an honorary 7th degree black belt in karate...

Still counts...

Ai yi yi... anyway, this week we get 2 debuts- and I'll wager you haven't heard from the first one since their big hit back in 1983... They've shortened the name, but still it's Kevin Rowland at the mike, but now, instead of Dexy's Midnight Runners, it's just Dexys... at #10:


Great song, but that cat looks old!

71 this year, my friend.  Think about it, Come On Eileen is 41 years old next month...  And even farther back is our target year 1975.  I knew I'd have a lot of top hits this year, too.  We had Freddy Fender at the top this week, with Before The Next Teardrop Falls- It would hit the top in Australia next month, 6 in Canada.  Canada had favorite sons BTO on top with Hey You- a song that took a big leap this week here and would peak at 21, while squeezing in a #80 in Australia.  For Australia, it was the band Pilot, that had a big hit here with Magic- which wasn't that big in the UK or Australia- but scored big there with January.  This is a song I really liked after hearing it a few years back (it only made 87 here), but in Australia it was in the third week of a 9-week run at the top (after which Freddy would finally get his turn).

My list goes like this:

5- Magic, Pilot.  Lots of memories attach to this one, especially camping at Fawn Forest, and watching my niece get blackberry-bombed by a passing bird, lol!  It moved up 4 spots this week to #20 on the way to a #5 peak.  Canada had it top the charts, while Australia stopped it at 12.

4- Misty, Ray Stevens.  No, no relation to the doggie!  Up 9 to 31 on its way to 14 here, it would get to a similar 15 in Canada, while Australia took it all the way to #5...

Boy, this ain't the way this usually works out...

Yeah, you shoulda seen it LAST week!  

3- Love Will Keep Us Together, Captain and Tenille.  This was a monster hit here in Ft Wayne- played strong for like five months, then we got another couple months of the Spanish version!  It moved 21-17 this week, and swept all our nations at #1.

2- Old Days, Chicago.  The top two are charter members of something I years back named the "Mythical top ten" of all time.  If you've been following me long enough, I did a thing on it back in the Time Machine days.  Moving from 10 to 7, it would peak 5 here, 6 in Canada- and another 80 in Australia.

Back ta normal, it seems...

And my #1 this week...

Wait up, son!  We gotta amp up the suspense by playing the other debut!

But I...

#9 this week.  You know her, ya love her, it's Geowulf....


There, see?  Nothin' better than Star Kendrick ta get things livened up!  Now, go on an' give the #1!

By your leave, master!  My #1 would also hit #1 in a couple weeks, and 6 in Canada and 28 in Australia...

....America with Sister Golden Hair!!!!!!!!!!!!  Okay, give everyone the M10, since I can't seem to type tonight...

Uh, ya do know ya type my parts, right?

And just as poorly as I'm typing mine...

No kiddin' there!  Anyway...

8- a third week fer Lila Ike an' H.E.R. an' He Loves Us Both...

7- Up three fer Lake Street Dive an' Better Not Tell You...

6- An' holdin' fer Pale Saints an' Kinky Love...

5- An' holding fer PDM an' Honey Boy...

4- an' outta the top fer Real Estate an' Somebody New...

3- And holdin' fer Wings an' Junior's Farm....

2- Up 2 for RainBow Kitten Surprise an' Meticulous...

An' fer the first time, at Numero Uno...

...Lorde an' Take Me To The River!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice job!  Maybe even a bomb!

Well, a' course I... HEY!  "THE" bomb, not "a" bomb!

John 19: 22, Buddy...

Oh, ya think I'm stumped on that dontcha, but I got a Gideon's Bible right here, and it says...
"What I have written, I Have written."  Very cute, Billy Graham junior!


  1. Ok reading this made me feel my age, I was going to say old but I am not old, my body may look old but that is due to weight loss and saggy skin which sucks. The music maybe old but we are not you and I have younger thoughts as my grandchild Sam would say and did say only last night to me.

    1. That is one of my favorite comments from you, my sister!

  2. Age is relative, yes? Singing and making records at 71 is quite the accomplishment. Many old rock stars are still going strong. Jagger and Richards, for example, and both look pretty decrepit. ☺

    I never understood the appeal of Captain & Tennille, but obviously, many people were fans. That song got played to death on Top 40 radio.

    Geowulf has a pleasant sound.

    1. I wasn't a fan of all their stuff- a couple of them might end up in my top 20 most hated list. But that had the poppy Sedaka-vibe.
