You've went with me on this long walk before- the first time me and Misty went, we called Laurie to come pick us up at the end of the trail! I wanted to do it again (my 3rd time) during this vacation, But I didn't want to put Misty through it- even the shorter walks are getting her in the back legs anymore. So doing my best to sneak out (and, of course, failing), I set out about 20 past six...
The sun wakes up to greet me
And, we're off!
Fascinating... |
This was the winner of a Cardinal battle I was witness to...
...and the loser, if only for a moment
If you were in a mood to see cardinals and bunnies, this was the trip to take
The first one I ran into- cute as a button little guy. Saw him, his three siblings, and 2 adults (Mom was one) in a very short space
Mom |
Maybe Dad
And at last, we come to the scenic part of our story.
Odd place and time for this
And now, the star of our show, Beckett's Run Creek
Prolly more like Beckett's Crawl through that mess
That's a lot of clover
My view as I pause for breakfast
Didn't realize I had a mate for it...
Time to turn around
More cottonwood fuzz, anyone?
One of only two people I crossed paths with in 2 1/2 hours
Taller than me
Spit Bugs out this way really juice it, lol
Oh, and daisies. Good trip for daisies.
First squirrel I saw on the trip
Here comes the sun, there goes the scenic third. Back to the Bunny third
I thought I saw something run across a yard. It's the Varmint!
I wondered why he was so intently casing this yard...
Come to find out, he was figuring out if he could take the other guy
Results: Inconclusive
Guess Misty was supposed to pee there
And finally, back into The Bowl.