What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?Nice people are martyrs. Idiots are evangelists.


Monday, May 8, 2023

The unplanned post

 I don't really have a plan for this post, just wanted to say, "Hi!" and let you know, no, I am not dead.  I didn't get a lot of good pics this week, so I didn't post any this weekend, but I got a few Saturday with the re-filling of the bird feeder and environs and the return of the "Patio Pigs".  KC and I continued our study of Jeremiah on Sunday and he joined me for online church.  My plan was a Sunday walk, but we had at least three rounds of early morning thunderstorms, and frankly neither I nor doggie recover from walks all that well anymore.  

Another thing I never got to was the April "A to Z Blogging Challenge" mashup I usually do.  Maybe I'll do one this month, I don't know.  I never really got a good idea for April, and overtime at work has reared its ugly behind (I joke here- I've come a long way towards being thankful for God's provision in whatever form it comes).


I know we had another good rain about an hour ago, and Misty had an embarrassing attempt to get on the sofa before Laurie went to work, so a walk wasn't in the cards tonight.  In fact, about the only thing I had in mind was to join in the (at this moment ongoing) #HealthyFaithChat discussion on Twitter that I belong to.  It's going super fast, ad Twitter is packing in the ads tonight- most of them from concerns I've never heard of and couldn't care less about.  C'mon, Elon!  At least the Zook uses targeted advertising!

For example, some kind of cat device that will make me the "best cat dad ever" (I haven't had a cat since about 1990), followed by Cintas (because I need to wear a uniform around the house, I guess). Oh, and just now, Star Wars plaques to hang on my wall. 

...You show me where...

Misty has just run upstairs, because when Mommy's not home, anything that I have ever yelled at (the camera, my phone, the TV remote, cooking utensils) that I touch, I am about to yell at again.

Sigh, just another cause of frustration to distract me.  I've learned lately that another such thing is one of my longest-seated habits.  No, not that one, but just as aggravating.  When I was little, I was tearing through the kitchen ("No running in the house!"), hit the throw rug in front of the fridge at full speed, you know what happens next.  I get up, whup the stitches out of the rug, shouting through tears, "Don't you know I'm a PEOPLE???"  That I think is where talking (and shouting) at inanimate objects, started.  And I have come to realize that this has morphed into something unhealthy- it gives an excuse to blow out anger I should be letting go of instead, it's keeping my mouth in practice for when I blow up AT people, and makes it more likely that I WILL so slip up.  You can stub your toe on a pebble as soon as a big rock, and I do way too much of that.  About the only thing I have cut back on is the even odder habit (Nope, STILL not that!) of flipping an object I have dropped the finger on its way to the floor.  Not sure if I have beaten that habit or just drop things less.

So, what is 'that'?  That is the crack in the doorway that lets Satan try to derail me.  To make me feel guilty, worthless, hiding in the bushes of Eden lest God see me naked.  The thorn in the flesh.  Only one way to beat 'that'- get back up and serve God twice as hard! 

All right, the chat's about over, the doggie needs a bathroom trip, and my eyes are about as gritty as my brain is muddy.  There was something I needed to leave Laurie a note on, but I guess I should have left one for myself first!  Have a great day amigos and amigas!


  1. Oh, I know what I needed to tell Laurie: "I posted something on the blog tonight..."

  2. Well you not being dead is a good thing that would be a sad thing.

    1. Other than the part about heaven, I agree with you!
