"Daddy-Doggie Day-night double-header", that is! Morning walk- @720 AM and mid 60's F:
Bright (capital B) and sunny
"Day after legal holiday"...
Either I had good timing or they actually work
A 'clever slob' is still a slob
Lonely at the Duck Bar
So a crow and a Jay came to a bar...
This one wasn't going to move- until Misty started towards her from across the path...
Varmintage, says she
The night side was 830 PM, 83F, and calm...
I see they got around to mowing the hill
They were good enough to give the socceritas some shade
Something relatively new to Misty- the woods in the gloamin'
"Hot summer night, fell like a net..."
Reminds me, we past the day's last discer, who was very friendly. "Hot days bring great nights!", he said.
"I hear You say, I hear You say, Look up, child..."
Venus over the ol' homestead
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